
Healthy, vibrant communities depend on a clean, resilient watershed.

 In the Clark Fork Basin, 350,000 people–about a third of Montana’s population–rely on the Clark Fork for drinking water and irrigation, recreation and social connection. The river also dissipates floods, filters out pollution, and provides habitat and travel corridors for myriad wildlife and fish species. At the Coalition, we believe the work on behalf of the river will only succeed and endure when diverse stakeholders work together, based on mutual benefit, respect, and trust.

Community leaders

want a clean, healthy, productive environment with equitable access and justice for all community members

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want a clean and healthy environment now and for future generations

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want adequate water at critical times

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Recreational users

want clean water and abundant flow, as well as safe and convenient access points

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want a clean and healthy environment, flood and drought control

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want abundant, healthy fish populations and a thriving fishing culture

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Business owners

want a river that is an asset to the community and draws visitors

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want clean water, healthy fisheries, abundant flow, and safe access points

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want beautiful landscapes and recreation opportunities

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Aquatic, avian, and terrestrial wildlife

want abundant, rich habitat and connected movement corridors

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want access to floodplains, connection to tributaries, abundant water, resilient temperatures, no pollution, and free-flowing passage

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Local government

want research-based policies and laws that balance the needs of constituents for clean, sustainable, and economically healthy communities

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