Informed Champions
for the Watershed

The Clark Fork Coalition protects and restores the watershed. Since 1985, we have confronted complex problems using our expertise, reputation, and partnerships— actively helping to sustain this living treasure through stream restoration, policy advocacy, and community engagement.

About the Clark Fork Basin

The Clark Fork watershed has sustained life for thousands of years.

The basin spans more than 14 million acres, capturing water from 28,000 miles of creeks and streams. This life-giving water supports 350,000 people today and is still a vital habitat for wildlife and fish. The hardworking Clark Fork also sustains human communities, serves as an engine for local agricultural and outdoor economies, and provides joy and beauty for recreational users, residents and visitors alike.

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Several interconnected challenges are intensifying in the Clark Fork basin.

Climate change brings more extreme and less predictable weather, exacerbates flood and drought, and compounds flow issues. Cleanup of legacy contamination proceeds very slowly while rapid growth and development frequently encroach on fragile riparian corridors. The Clark Fork watershed is among the most ecologically important habitats on the continent. For our communities to thrive, we must work together to rebuild resilience in this ecosystem—improving how we relate to our natural environments and making the health of waterways a priority, not an afterthought.

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You Can Help

Become a fellow champion of the Clark Fork Watershed.

Through our collective efforts, the river can flow with clean, cold, abundant water so that nature can flourish and our communities can thrive. We invite you to become a fellow champion of the Clark Fork Watershed.