Clark Fork Coalition
Protecting and restoring the Clark Fork watershed since 1985

Our Work

Granite Creek Restoration

To improve fish passage and reduce chronic stream sedimentation, we upgraded eight undersized culverts along Granite Creek Road. We also installed wood jams in the creek and reclaimed more than ten miles of unneeded forest roads. These projects decrease sedimentation, improve habitat connectivity, and increase the number of fish living in the creek.

Granite Creek is a key habitat for westslope cutthroat trout and remnant bull trout populations. These fish require connected habitat to complete their life cycle, including spawning and rearing stages. However, the construction of
the Granite Creek Road decades ago disconnected several fish-bearing tributaries.

Currently, we are installing an 11-foot bottomless arch culvert to restore fish passage. Protecting and restoring Montana’s native trout populations benefits aquatic ecosystems and improves fishing.

Sub Basin(s)
  • Timberland Excavating
  • Haskins Excavating, LLC
  • Westslope Excavation