Clark Fork Science Forum

The Clark Fork Science Forum (CFSF) is a coalition of experts from the Montana University System, key federal & state agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private industry, with a joint commitment to fostering collaboration and generating fundamental knowledge needed for informed decision-making as it pertains to the Upper Clark Fork River and its floodplain.
Calendar & Events
See the schedule for the CFSF on the Upper Clark Fork River.
CFSF Mailing List
The CFSF meets several times a year to coordinate activities on the UCFR, engage in discussion about continued collaboration, and share information. Sign up for our mailing list for the latest updates.
View the UCFR Interactive Map.
Generating Hypotheses and Exploring Data Gaps at the Headwaters
Currently the CFSF promotes the following collaborations and activities to fulfill its mission of facilitating, producing, analyze and sharing science-based knowledge among key participants involved in the remediation, restoration, research, and monitoring of the Upper Clark Fork River and its tributaries. Some of those activities include:
- Monthly Topic Discussion Meetings: The CFSF meets the second Thursday of every month from 12pm – 1pm MST to discuss ongoing and new projects on the Upper Clark Fork River.
- Workshops: The CFSF hosts multiple workshops throughout the year which allow participants to interact in greater detail with a chosen topic. Workshops generally consist of smaller groups of participants with strong research interests related to that chosen topic and often involve more personal networking.
- Involvement in Annual Professional Meetings regarding the Clark Fork Basin and River
- Distribution of a Tri-annual Newsletter: see content below
- Regular posting to an Informative YouTube Channel
- Promoted Research Collaboration and Fieldwork
Calendar & Events
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Join the CFSF Mailing List
Join the CFSF email list to be informed about upcoming CFSF meetings, events, and opportunities.