Eric Hull

Streamflow Project Manager

Eric manages a suite of flow restoration projects in the Clark Fork basin, helping fulfill the goals of CFC’s Restoration Strategy by developing projects with private landowners and other partners. He grew up exploring the woods and waters of western Pennsylvania before moving to Montana on a college Exchange Program and a whim. He quickly fell in love with his new home and has spent the last 15 years learning about Montana’s landscapes while working to conserve them.

Eric’s been lucky enough to work all across western Montana, ranging from land stewardship in the Centennial Valley to tour guiding as a boat captain in Glacier National Park. He brings additional experience with (Tribal) water rights, habitat conservation, computer mapping, and cooperation with multiple stakeholders. He and his delightful wife enjoy maintaining their small property in the Mission Valley. Off the property, Eric enjoys most outdoor pursuits as an avid backpacker, angler, and hunter-conservationist.