Perk Perkins

Board Member

Lincoln, Montana

Perk retired as CEO of The Orvis Company in 2018 after 25 years in the post and 41 years working various roles in the family business. There he institutionalized the company’s longstanding support of conservation by committing 5%+ of their pre-tax profits to funding worthy conservation organizations and projects, the Clark Fork Coalition being one. He coined a rallying cry that has followed him into retirement: “If we are to benefit from the use of our natural resources, we must be willing to act to preserve them.”  Recruited by his close friend Paul Roos, he had a previous stint on the board of Clark fork Coalition and has served on number of other non-profit boards in Montana (Greater Yellowstone Coalition, Montana Nature Conservancy, Sun River Watershed).  In 1990, Perk bought some land in Lincoln Montana from a rancher who had no use for the beaver swamp and carefully restored it into a jewel of a Spring Creek abounding with Westslope Cutthroat. Working with biologists and excavators across Montana and Wyoming, he has had a hand in restoring 15 miles of Spring Creeks and found that even more rewarding than coaxing their inhabitants to slurp a fly. He, and his wife, Laurie Andrews, live in Jackson Wyoming where she has run the Jackson Hole Land Trust and the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole. Be they in Montana or Wyoming, they are seldom seen without a couple of their 4 hunting dogs, binoculars, flyrods.