Clark Fork Coalition
Protecting and restoring the Clark Fork watershed since 1985

Annual Clark Fork River Cleanup

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Our Work

Assessments of Geomorphology and Macroinvertebrate Diversity

The CFC has coordinated data collection efforts with Professor Rob Thomas at UM Western annually since 2019. Over that period, Rob’s students have focused on a variety of studies in the UCF OU from assessments of geomorphology and macroinvertebrate diversity on both remediated and unremedied phases, to a study examining the causal factors behind the 2019 fish kill and instream sediment analysis. Rob’s classes have produced final reports that are publicly available detailing most of the work that has been completed (there is still one major report in progress).

Stakeholders: Agencies, local government

Report on server in UMW folder–will have new report in February

Sub Basin(s)