Clark Fork Coalition
Protecting and restoring the Clark Fork watershed since 1985

Annual Clark Fork River Cleanup

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Annual Clark Fork River Cleanup

The Clark Fork River Cleanup is an annual tradition when the community comes together to clean trash along the river banks before spring runoff and high water hits. Hundreds of people—including individuals, families, friends, schools, and business teams—join together for a good cause and celebrate the river we love and respect.

The morning kicks off with a celebration and cleanup of the downtown river corridor followed by a free BBQ lunch!

DIY Cleanup

In 2020, we added a popular DIY cleanup option. Covering over 180 miles of river and collecting mountains of trash, the DIY river cleanup has an incredibly positive impact on the river’s health. We continue to support DIY cleanup for areas outside of the downtown corridor in the days surrounding the in-person event. We offer supplies, maps, and tips for a successful day helping the river.

What We're Doing
Sub Basin(s)