Water Management
With the increasingly limited water supply in western Montana, water management—through water rights leasing and ownership, more efficient water use, and innovative headwaters storage strategies—is one of the most powerful ways we help rivers and tributaries thrive and benefit people.

How we do it
The Coalition prioritizes water management strategies on streams where the volume of water we can return will make a significant difference in connectivity, adequate flow for ecological function, or water temperatures. We manage more than 35 contracts that return 25 billion gallons of water to streams in the Upper Clark Fork, Bitterroot, and Middle Clark Fork.
Water management benefits people and rivers.
Dry Cottonwood Creek Ranch
Cottonwood-Baggs Fish Passage
Valiton Ditch Split Season Lease
Broken Circle Diversion Upgrade
Helen-Johnson Ditch Project
Stonewall Creek
Keep Cool Creek
Poorman Creek

We couldn’t do it without you
Our capacity to act relies on your support