What we do

Stream Restoration

Our strategic, on-the-ground restoration projects and innovative water conservation methods help heal the headwaters of the Clark Fork River and its tributaries.

How we do it

The Coalition’s restoration team works with partners and landowners on projects to improve stream health. Together, we reconnect waterways and floodplains, fix incised banks caused by human interference, rebuild stream habitat complexity, filter sediment, and cool stream temperatures. Through a mix of stream bank design, riparian planting, beaver dam analogs and log jams, and by rehabilitating unused, eroding forest roads, we improve water quality and ecological functions. 

You Can Help

We couldn’t do it without you

Our capacity to act relies on your support

You Can Help

Become a fellow champion of the Clark Fork Watershed.

Through our collective efforts, the river can flow with clean, cold, abundant water so that nature can flourish and our communities can thrive. We invite you to become a fellow champion of the Clark Fork Watershed.